It looks like GM isn’t the only one joining in on the electric bike or scooter movement. Ford announced the acquisition of Spin. They are an electric scooter-sharing corporation out of San Francisco. They provide alternative transportation for the first or last mile.
Acquiring Spin
Ford took a new strategic move when purchasing Spin. They continue to move into the mobility space and desire to build a stronger portfolio of methods for transportation. This latest endeavor helps users get where they want less expensively and faster.
Using scooters is a fantastic way for residents to go short distances, especially in busy cities. The electrified power and ease of use reduces traffic congestion in urban areas, pollution and parking shortages.
Over the past few years, scooter options have risen dramatically for the typical user. Sometimes, people even integrate a scooter with other forms of transportation in a single trip. To be competitive in this field, Ford must be adaptive and agile. They must be able to keep up with the times and develop products that the customer wants. That’s why it was an excellent opportunity for them to acquire Spin.
The Future of Spin
As Ford continues to move forward with Spin, you can expect the dockless scooter company to grow significantly. On their own, they already became the primary provider in 13 of the nation’s top cities. You’ll find them on campuses throughout the country.
That’s because they worked closely with universities and cities to implement their mobility solutions. They sustainably and safely grow the operation and never launched somewhere without permission. On top of that, they share their usage data with the city. They also implement education about riding and parking rules with the campuses.
All of these business practices impressed Ford, which was part of the reason they choose Spin to be their next venture.
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